| 1. | That the expenditure incurred is within an approved budget 查核逾时工作的支出有否超越批准的预算? |
| 2. | Public expenditure incurred by directorate officers for attending meetings and activities held outside hong kong 首长级公务员参与在外地举行的会议及活动所招致的公帑开支 |
| 3. | The expenditure incurred depended on the tender prices , availability of corporate sponsorship and the planting locations 支出的多寡视乎当年的标价、企业赞助及植树位置而定。 |
| 4. | Expenditures incurred on major repair and improvement of the rented fixed assets shall be averagely amortized during the period of leasing 租入固定资产改良支出应当在租赁期内平均摊销。 |
| 5. | Expenditure incurred by senior officers of the government and public bodies for attending meeting and activities held overseas 政府及公共机构高级人员出席在海外举办的会议及活动所招致的开支 |
| 6. | Expenditures incurred that will benefit over one year or one operating cycle and should be amortized over the future periods 指已发生之支出,其效益超过一年或一个营业周期,应由以后各期负担者。 |
| 7. | " the expenditure incurred in the launch of the uniform change will be made under the savings from the previous years force s saving and invest account 她说:是次更换工作服的开支将由警队投资节用户口中支取。 |
| 8. | Of the maintenance projects undertaken by the government in various fishermen villages in the past five years , and the total expenditure incurred in this regard ; and 过去5年,政府在各条渔民村曾进行甚么维修工程,以及有关的开支总额及 |
| 9. | Sections 16g and 16 of the ordinance , eligible to claim deductions in respect of capital expenditure incurred by it on prescribed fixed assets V .依据税务条例第16g 1和第16 1 ga条的规定,就订明固定资产所招致的资本开支,继续享有申索扣除的资格。 |
| 10. | The actual expenditures incurred for the purpose of acquiring or updating and conducting technical reforming on the fixed assets , shall be itemized and shown separately in financial statement 为购建固定资产或者对固定资产进行更新改造发生的实际支出,应当在会计报表中单独列示。 |